Tuesday 18 August 2015

If WP is guilty of wrongdoing, why isn't the CAD or CPIB called in to investigate them?

VOTE WISELY: Vote for leaders of integrity.

WP-run AHPeTC is the perfect example of how bad leaders in a good system lead to bad government.
Underlining the troubles at AHPeTC are the core issues of honesty and integrity.

Many people ask why CPIB or CAD has not been called in to investigate AHPeTC if there is really any wrongdoing.

The answer is very simple.

WP has cleverly exploited a loophole in the Town Council Act to overpay their friends using taxpayer money, and make millions more disappear.

Under the Town Council Act, they are answerable - only to their residents.

That is why MND is legally powerless to act against them despite the fact that they had repeatedly flouted the Town Council Act and Financial Rules (as noted by the AGO).

Their actions in AHPETC tell us 3 very important things -

1. If WP thinks their popularity allows them to get away with wrongdoing, they will do it. In other words, they will exploit your faith in them if they think they can. Are you going to let them exploit your faith in them?

2. If there isn't a law to stop WP from wrongdoing, they will happily do it.

3. WP's lawyers are more interested in using their legal skills to help themselves than the people they are supposed to serve.

The measure of a good leader is more than just qualifications. It is this immeasurable thing called 'character' that sets one talented person apart from another.

The core leadership in WP has demonstrated their lack of integrity more than once.

Sylvia Lim and Pritam Singh lied about not double-charging hawkers in the cleaning saga.

Sylvia Lim lied in parliament about the transfer of money to the sinking fund and had the rare 'honour' of having the high court judge Quentin Loh described her action as 'suppressio veri suggestio falsi', suppressing or concealing the truth to give the impression of something that is false.

Mr Low Thia Khiang demonstrated that he would rather defend his MPs and his town council staff than protect residents' interests (refusing to investigate to find out who asked for extra quotation for the hawkers' centre cleaning saga, and declaring in parliament that his individual MPs need not answer questions).

Regardless of who WP will field in the coming general election, would you vote for a party where the core leadership has demonstrated in no uncertain way that they are lacking in integrity and honesty?

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