Monday 10 August 2015

Flip Flopping On Foreign Workers And Immigration

During the 2011 election, Mr Low Thia Khiang criticised the Government for allowing in too many foreign workers.

Then during  Budget 2012 debate, in response to the government's tightening of quotas for foreign workers, he asked for more foreign workers. 

He said:
The Government's strategy is to control the supply of foreign increase productivity.....I agree that we should not place undue reliance on foreign labor,....However, we also know that our population is limited, we also need foreign labor to supplement the shortage of domestic human resources."  

"I think you have shifted your position because I have checked what was said previously during the 2010 and 2011 Budget and COS debates and also your Workers’ Party Manifesto in last year’s General Election when you criticised the Government for allowing in too many foreign workers. I think your position now accords with ours, and recognises that this is a very careful balance. First, because we have to ensure that our companies can stay competitive, and that Singaporeans thereby keep their jobs and their incomes continue to grow." 
- Tharman Shanmugaratnam, Budget 2012 Round-up speech 

However, one year later in 2013, during the Population White Paper debate Workers' Party proposed a freeze on foreign workforce growth

Mr Low said:
"Continued dependence on foreign workforce growth will just kick the can of economic restructuring down the road."

Flip flopping from criticising the government for allowing many foreign workers to asking the government for more foreign workers to calling for a freeze on foreign workers. All in the span of less than 2 years.

Does WP say what they mean and mean what they say, or do they say only what is expedient for the moment because it would win them votes?

1 comment:

  1. 順福國際人力仲介-申請外勞仲介※「從未缺工」,提供充足的「履歷表」 在瀕臨缺工的市場上,我們公司在印尼擁有「十所」自己的訓練中心,因此從 成立以來已經十年,到目前為止,沒有遇過缺工的問題,更能提供充足的工人履歷表進行挑選。

    順福國際人力仲介-申請外勞仲介 - ※ 工人進度掌握在手 - 快速!準確! 公司有專門掌握工人進度的人員,每週更新工人在國外辦理之進度,讓雇主安 心等候;在印尼政府一致的規定下,我們的工人速度可算是水準之「快」!
